[Weekly Newsletter] 30MAR2020–05APR2020

Things I'm Excited About This Week

Tool: Evernote Web Clipper

I was skeptical at first, not having really refined how I use Evernote yet, but the Evernote Web Clipper has proven to be a powerful tool. I take screenshots all the time, and this perfectly captures full webpages! I combined this with an Evernote folder titled “*Inbox📥” (the asterisk just puts it at the top of the list)from the popular Getting Things Doner® system, and now, it drops it all into a folder for processing at a later date 🙂

Person: David Perell

I’ve been following David Perell on Twitter (@david_perell) for some time now, and he shares a lot on writing and developing an audience. One audacious claim that’s got me thinking quite a bit was when he tweeted, “My Twitter account is more valuable than my college diploma.” I’ve been trying to write daily now, and it has made me much happier to be doing something for myself that is both creative and productive.

And now, to combine this with my first share, here’s an Evernote Web Clip of David’s 30 March 2020 newsletter.

Company: Precious Plastic

I stumbled onto Precious Plastic while looking for ways to do-it-yourself recycle at home with regular, household consumables like plastic bottles and tin cans.

They’re an open-source movement to get people shredding plastics, extruding, and selling (if they want). I’d love to get my hands on some of the machines. They’re fairly pricey for a hobbyist, but certainly affordable considering their capacity. There’s also such a strong community committed to making it happen, from business support to troubleshooting.

They also share the plans to let you build your own machines rather than purchasing their kits.

Music: “Embrace” by PNAU

I don’t know what it is about this song, but it just gets me going. Check it out on Spotify or Youtube.

Productivity Tip: Twitter Lists

I culled those I follow on Twitter down to just 6:

This was in an effort to (1) curate my newsfeed with higher-quality content and (2) spend less time on Twitter. And it works! I’ve largely read everything by those people after 5-10 mins of scrolling.

To keep track of other’s I’m more passively interested in following, I added them to topical lists. You can view some lists I’ve made here

Destination: Airbnb the Goodyear Blimp

Seriously insane, right? You can spend the night in the parked Goodyear Blimp. They do a good job of promoting it with a football game package, too. Can you even imagine?!