Accountability to My Resolutions
This is a follow-up to my 2017 New Years Resolutions.
Become a Confident Swimmer
This one has been deferred to the second half of 2017 so I can max my PT test in April.
Learn C#
I’ve almost finished the Brackeys tutorials! I only have the interfaces and generics videos left. Additionally, I just ordered Arduinos for ASME, and we’re working on them Monday. So this goal is definitely making headway.
Read Book of Mormon in German
I’m 7% done and just made it through 1 Nephi. To keep up, I have to read just barely over 2 pages per day or 8.3% per month.
Code My Own Website
While I haven’t done any coding, I’ve certainly made headway using the College Info Geek tutorial. It’s insanely thorough, and I’m building it now. Once I make it through a little more progress on C# and get my site live just using the included builder, I’ll shift towards more HTML coding to modify what I’ve got. I won’t share the URL yet because it’s still extremely rudimentary, but know that it’s happening.
Max PT Test
With it being March 1st, my final APFT is 49 days away. I’ve got to step it up. I was sick all of last week, and I’ll be gone to Germany for a week. I need to make sure that I kill this test. I’m close. I just have to boost sit-ups and run. I know I can. I just have to do it. It’s crunch time. No more lollygagging at the gym.
Read 6 Books
I’m 47% done with The Japanese Mind (a book I’m reading for school) and 29% done with The 4-Hour Body. Follow me on Goodreads to see my updates. I started reading The Man in the High Castle, but it reads very awkwardly, and I didn’t get into it. What I’m really excited about is my solicitation for The Martian-esque books from /r/AskEngineers.
Become Confident at Drawing from Memory
This one has fallen on the backburner because I find the motivation to draw very difficult. I was going steady for a few weeks while I was really into Heroes of the Storm, but I need to find more characters I’m stoked to draw. Plus, my premium DeviantArt membership timed out, so I’ve been less involved. I need to finish an art trade I started with my sister…
Make Headway on My Book and Comic
This has made some progress but is always halted because I can’t see to draft up my character bios enough to incorporate into a story. I need to put more time into this.
2017 vs. 2018 – Jonny Henderson
01Jan2018 @ 07:22
[…] my credit, I had best intentions in setting SMART goals, and I held myself accountable after the first quarter of the year, but that was about […]