Sunday Shares | 21JUN2020

I’ve been focused on an upcoming training (SERE) that I thought was happening yesterday but I was rescheduled for another time. It’ll end up being a good thing, since I’ll now have a bunch of staff duties allowing me to get things done, but it definitely killed my Production-to-Consumption ratio this week as I focused on getting ready. Anyways, enjoy!



Cleaned Up Categories—I narrowed down the post categories to Sunday Shares, Journal, Topical Essay, Leader Profile, and Business Spotlight. That should summarize well what I write.

Email Collector—I’m looking into solutions for how to effectively collect everyone’s emails to notify you weekly when I post. I’ve currently got a pop-up set, but I’d love suggestions if you’ve worked with this before.



Article: SERE Training: How SERE School Can Prepare You to Survive by Ben Brown

What a cool article! I’ll have to go through SERE soonish, so this was a great article to give me some peace of mind on a hush-hush training where the mysteriousness contributes to the psychological anticipation.


I’m not sure why both of the videos this week ended up as regrettable decisions, but they made me laugh…

Video: I Carbonated Milk | Joe Barnard (YouTube)

I love it when a science nerd applies technology to curiosity, especially with such a horrible end-result. This is Joe’s legacy.

Video: Peeling a lemon

Any cooking TikTok by Joshua Weissman is excellent, but here’s a funny one


Song: “Mind (feat. Kate Boy)” by Slow Magic (Spotify | YouTube)

I discovered this song via the Proof Fam Faves 2018 playlist (Spotify), and I’ve come to really like Slow Magic in general. It’s exciting when one song leads you down a wormhole of a newly discovered artist!


Podcast: #404: Books I’ve Loved — Steve Jurvetson | The Tim Ferriss Show (Apple Podcasts | Spotify)

The way Steve (@FutureJurvetson) spoke to each of his book recommendations was so elegant. I enjoyed the episode mostly for how articulate he is, and the fantastic book recommendations were a bonus. If you’re unfamiliar with him, he’s a venture capitalist and sits on the boards of SpaceX and Tesla.


Podcast: Michael Mayer – Pseudonymous Social Capital and Bottomless Coffee – [Invest Like the Best, EP.124] | Invest Like the Best (Apple Podcasts | Spotify)

I get excited about physical products. Finally, someone is innovating on hardware and not just software. Don’t get me wrong—my life has been significantly improved through software. I just find it…boring as a mechanical engineer. I love that Michael Mayer chose to solder together his own scales until they were just right and then use that to fuel his business model.


Vocabulary: hagiography (Merriam-Webster)

1: biography of saints or venerated persons

2: idealizing or idolizing biography

For context, here’s where I stumbled across the word:


Idea:  Thomas Frank on Range by David Epstein:

If you’ve ever felt bad for being “behind” because you didn’t start a discipline “early enough” – read this book.

I get Thomas Frank’s (@TomFrankly) weekly newsletter, and this concept really stood out to me, because I consistently feel this way. One of my favorite books of recent memory was Range: Why Generalists Triumph in a World of Specialists by David Epstein. It felt so validating to realize I don’t want to be the person to be the best in the world at something. I find energy in the cross-pollination of many ideas across several disciplines.


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As I am slowly refining this newsletter, I’d love feedback on the format and content. Reach out in the comments or via Twitter (@JonnyMHenderson).