That Was a Close One!

Let’s set the stage. It’s 5AM. I’m fast asleep, with my alarm set to go off in an hour. Shalene has been awake for two hours at this point. She’s anxiously awaiting my awakening. I stir. She get’s excited and thinks I’m awake. She then says my name and proceeds to drop a major issue on me before my day has even started.

She’s been awake thinking about our Germany trip. This past Friday started our 1-month countdown for our belated honeymoon. I’ve checked and double-checked, and our passports are current. Well before the sun even crests the horizon, she wakes me up to tell me that her passport is still under her maiden name, but our tickets are under Henderson.

All the tickets are under my email, so even though she had been awake and thought about digging through the filing cabinet and figuring all this out herself, she didn’t have any of the ticket information. She had to just lie there and wait for me.

I told her there was nothing I could do about it and went back to sleep. I, of course, dreamed about these stupid passports for my last hour of weekend sleep. After a restless 1.5 hours (I hit snooze, naturally), I got up, showered, and went to meetings for church. I came home to get the family for the actual church service, and no one was ready. Shalene was still panicked over the tickets.

I called, they changed her name on the ticket to her maiden name, no questions asked. Good as gold. Right as rain. Situation averted. Jonny saves the day again.