Collecting Flags

I’ve recently stumbled into a new passion: vexillology—the study of flags. It’s a little odd, I know, but I’ve gotten so into it that I changed my bookmark for reddit to be r/vexillology so that it’s the first thing that I see!


My collection is minimal. Shalene gave me a Colorado flag for Christmas, and I picked up an American flag for Flag Day.


There aren’t too many flags I see myself flying outside, but here’s what’s on my list currently:

Army FlagThis and the Colorado flag will be my “daily flyers”, since there aren’t as many rules governing how to fly these versus the American flag (see U.S. Flag Code)

Bavarian FlagI hope to fly this one during Oktoberfest season (three weeks)


German FlagI’d probably only fly this during the World Cup or on November 9th to commemorate the anniversary of the Berlin Wall falling.