Fresh Finds: Ender’s Game, Composting, TED Talks…

It’s been quite some time since I’ve sent out some recommendations. Well, the wait is over! Here you are…

[Book] Non-Fiction: The 4-Hour Workweek

This book has forever been on my reading list. Tim Ferriss is my favorite podcaster, and I already dove in and loved The 4-Hour Body (affiliate link) by him, as well. It was only a matter of time before I took on reading his entrepreneur’s toolkit to develop a business (dubbed “muse”) that develops cashflow and freedom to refocus on other opportunities (not slack off). I cannot recommend it enough!

You can get it on Amazon (affiliate link) or on Audible (affiliate link), but I don’t ever see myself listening to a non-fiction book—I like taking notes too much.

The 4-Hour WorkweekThe 4-Hour Workweek by Timothy Ferriss
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

View all my reviews


[Book] Fiction: Ender’s Game

This sci-fi novel by Orson Scott Card was a masterful take on military strategy, game theory, and psychology. It was fascinating to read essentially from the perspective of Ender’s mind. I bought the movie and watched it a year or two ago, didn’t care for it, but then picked up the book this summer. Absolutely loving the book, I rewatched the movie, and the film was fun knowing what parts they pulled, but I don’t think it’s a good standalone film.

[Game] Neverwinter Nights: Enhanced Edition

Man. I’ve always loved this game. It’s hands-down my favorite video game of all-time. Now that I’ve been an avid reader of RA Salvatore and have started playing DnD, the game 1) makes so much more sense (mechanics, etc.), and 2) is so much more fun when it comes to lore and how things fit in. I’m not sure what got “enhanced”, but I would’ve purchased the original regardless.


[Project] Composting

I’ve started composting! I’ve always been interested in composting to (1) help keep things out of the landfill and (2) to recycle nutrients for free fertilizer. My in-laws have a big garden, so it seemed only natural to start composting. I built it out of 3 pallets. I should have made it a bit bigger, and I’ve struggled to maintain the proper ratio of browns-to-greens. Anyway, my summer internship is in biomass, so this is my own little homebrew project!

Full on the same day after cleaning up the yard.
A healthy start

[Quote] Drizzt Do’Urden

“Fortunate circumstances do not equate to high principles.”

~Drizzt Do’Urden, Legacy by RA Salvatore

[Article] StarCraft II Unit Development

I came across this article as Blizzard updated. It’s really interesting to hear all the game design. I could see myself getting really into competitive StarCraft gameplay.

[Tweet] Dungeons & Dragons

[Video] TED Talks

Here are a few favorites from my recent YouTube Watch List: